
JIA優秀建築選 2022


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Nikkan Arena Tochigi




永廣 正邦、日比 淳、森 一広(株式会社梓設計)
川野 久雄、伊藤 真樹、飯田 雄介、涌井 匠、松岡 弘樹(大成建設一級建築士事務所)
益子 朋二、安藤 崇之(株式会社安藤設計)


Masakuni Nagahiro, Atsushi Hibi, Kazuhiro Mori (Azusa Sekkei Co., Ltd.)
Hisao Kawano, Masaki Ito, Yusuke Iida, Takumi Wakui, Hiroki Matsuoka (Taisei Design Planners Architects & Engineers)
Tomoji Mashiko, Takayuki Ando (Ando Architectual Design Office)

This is the arena and swimming pool that was used in the Tochigi National Sports Festival. They are located at the edge of the athletic park close to a residential area. The ground was levelled to the level of the underground passageway that runs through to the center of the park to create a Communal Hill that is integrated with the park making it a place that is easy to stop by at. The construction is divided into three towers centering on the Communal Hill designed to lessen any sense of oppression. The exterior of the construction is designed with a stone block motif with the Oya Mining Site in mind that symbolizes Tochigi, and the use of actual Oya stones gives the structure a Tochigi-esque design.