
JIA優秀建築選 2022


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Tachikawa ANNEX



撮影:TOREAL KojiFujii

森 清敏、川村 奈津子(MDS)
坂田 涼太郎(坂田涼太郎構造設計事務所)


Kiyotoshi Mori, Natsuko Kawamura (MDS)
Ryotaro Sakata (Ryotaro Sakata Structural Engineers)

The annex, in contrast to the RC main building, was designed as a light wooden building. The structure is composed of the lower with two-story posts, and the roof with struts which shift in angles and form HP surfaces. The ground floor with less openings is used for a warehouse and a photo studio, while the upper floor is a living space with full opaque polycarbonate openings on the gables that creates the space without shadows, filled with subtle light. The annex has created a new townscape that cannot be categorized in the way it’s used, the scale, and how it emerges as architecture.