
JIA優秀建築選 2022


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Child Development Support Center in Shinyamaguchi



大野 秀敏、江口 英樹、山本 真也(アプルデザインワークショップ)


Hidetoshi Ohno, Hideki Eguchi, Shinya Yamamoto (A.P.L. DESIGN WORKSHOP)

This facility is for physically and mentally disabled children. Due to the limitations of the site, it was inevitable that the building would be long and narrow. The form we arrived at was to arrange the walls in a zigzag pattern, and at the same time create a checkered pattern of openings in elevation to create a comfortable balance between openness and enclosure, as well as earthquake resistance and a favorable indoor acoustic environment. I aimed for an architecture in which the form of the structure becomes the form of the space.