
JIA優秀建築選 2022


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品

原病院 南新館+ラウンジ棟+広場

Hara Psychiatric Hospital




鹿嶌 信哉、佐藤 文(K+Sアーキテクツ)


Nobuya Kashima, Aya Sato (Kashima+Sato Architects & Associates)

The theme of the plan is "Creating a community-wide mental hospital". The large square surrounded by the new southern building, the lounge building and the old ward eliminate the walls and create an open and easy-to-enter atmosphere for the local people. Minami Shinkan has two big courtyards and the plan to make a tour with dotted spaces has created an open place to live in facing the square. The lounge building is closely related to the square, creating a shared public where hospitalized patients, outpatients and medical staffs can rest.