
JIA優秀建築選 2022


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Hirakata Performing & Visual Arts Center



撮影:伊藤 彰

江副 敏史、多喜 茂、小畑 香、芳木 達彦(日建設計)


Satoshi Ezoe, Shigeru Taki, Kaori Kohata, Tatsuhiko Yoshiki (NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD)

Located a short five-minute walk from Hirakata City Station, it offers a new landmark for Hirakata City with its three halls and art gallery. The outdoor plaza in front of the facility features multiple spaces to provide "places for culture and art," including a grassy plaza section that encourages people to gather, a shaded plaza, as well as a stage. The interior design provides an awareness of spatial continuity with the exterior. Courtyard and eaves create a naturally lit greening space. We hope that the total effect of the united interior and exterior will encourage Hirakata residents’ artistic inclinations.