
JIA優秀建築選 2022


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Meiji Ad Agency Headquarter Building




羽鳥 達也、花岡 竜樹(日建設計)


Tatsuya Hatori, Ryuju Hanaoka (NIKKEN SEKKEI)

 This is a reconstruction project of the head office with a photo studio. The building form created as a result of shading restrictions, does not cast shadows over the park nor increase eddies of wind around the area. The design also offers a great view of Yoyogi Park from the upper-floor and maximizes the spatial volume of the studio in the lower part. The meeting spaces and the restrooms are planned on the middle levels, enhancing employees interactions. The greening of the terraces can be viewed from the outside, contributing to the urban landscape and be environmentally friendly as well.