
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Shinjuku SOHO


1F スタジオより吹抜けを見上げる

写真:上田 宏

佐藤 文、鹿嶌 信哉(K+Sアーキテクツ)


Aya Sato, Nobuya Kashima (Kashima + Sato Architects & Associates)

The plan requires a basis for disseminating information to the world. The site with 60㎡ area has residential and corporate functions. Stairs and elevator are arranged within 34㎡ area, and the remaining small spaces are used as living and office spaces. The studio has large double-decker window connected to the town. The floors are lifted vertically so that the space on the upper and lower floors strongly recognize the connection while influencing each other and tilted in a stepped shape. Floors are converted into bench and bed.