
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品

能美防災株式会社 三鷹工場

NOHMI BOSAI LTD. Mitaka Factory



写真:Nacása & Partners Inc.

大森 晃、阿折 忠受、藤本 怜佑、額田 奈菜子、原 寛貴(三菱地所設計)


Akira Omori, Tadashige Aori, Reisuke Fujimoto, Nanako Nukata, Kanki Hara (Mitsubishi Jisho Design)

The Nohmi Bosai factory, which provides integrated fire protection services, has been relocated and rebuilt in Mitaka. The aim is to blend seamlessly into the residential area and avoid the typical appearance of a factory. The focus is on maintaining the continuity of the streetscape and implementing noise reduction measures. Efforts include relocating fences away from the street, incorporating greenery, and providing street-facing exhibition space to create a harmonious coexistence with the local community.