
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Renovation of Otemachi Building



写真:黒住 直臣

飯沼 安裕、須藤 啓、杉本 宏之、荒井 拓州(三菱地所設計)


Yasuhiro Iinuma, Hiromu Sudo, Hiroyuki Sugimoto, Takushu Arai (Mitsubishi Jisho Design)

This large-scale renovation of the Otemachi Building, completed in 1958, was positioned as a “100-year building challenge”. The building’s small pillar spans and long corridors at the time of construction were considered suitable for today’s demand for small-scale offices for fintech, venture companies, and start-ups, and the exterior, interior of common areas, enhancement of underground retail facilities, and use of the rooftop were renovated to mark the 60th anniversary of the building.