
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Shin-kashiwa clinic diabetes Mirai



写真:小川 重雄

菅原 努、横川 美菜子、齋藤 華織(竹中工務店)


Tsutomu Sugawawa, Minako Yokokawa, Kaori Saito (TAKENAKA CORPORATION)

It is a diabetes specialized clinic located near Shin-Kashiwa Station. When planning, we considered harmony with the surrounding environment and first determined the positions of two green spaces within the site, arranging the building between them. Following the flow of medical services, we planned the functions to be arranged so that the limited staff can oversee them effectively. The waiting area, with a sloping roof, becomes a space where natural light pours in from multiple directions, integrated with the garden to enjoy the changing seasons and weather. It achieved a sustainable design without relying on artificial facilities and obtained the CASBEE Kashiwa S-rank certification.