
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品

芝浦工業大学豊洲キャンパス 本部棟

Shibaura Institute of Technology Toyosu Campus Centennial Main Building



写真:藤井 浩司(TOREAL)

髙野 勝也、近本 直之、田丸 正和、新見 一敏、樫本 信隆、大塲 彬史、山口 慶、久保木 真俊(日建設計)


Katsuya Takano, Naoyuki Chikamoto, Masakazu Tamaru, Kazutoshi Niimi, Nobutaka Kashimoto, Akifumi Ooba, Kei Yamaguchi, Masatoshi Kuboki (NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD)

A development plan of university’s facilities expansion for the global education and research environment. A café and restaurant are planned in the three-story atrium, which is open to students and the local community. The glossy finish of the eaves is a kind of environmental response device, reflecting the image of student activity and greenery. The active and energetic students in the basement gym and the interaction of the vibrant atmosphere in the café, that you can be felt from the outside. The aim is to create a campus that evolves with the community.