
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品

彦根総合スポーツ公園陸上競技場 平和堂HATOスタジアム

Hikone Sports Park Athletics Stadium Heiwado HATO Stadium


夜景 南側鳥瞰


大野 竜也、榎並 靖、佐竹 知希(佐藤総合計画)
陶器 浩一(滋賀県立大学)
白井 宏昌(亜細亜大学)


Tatsuya Ono, Yasushi Enami, Tomoki Satake (AXS SATOW)
Hirokazu Toki (The University Of Shiga Prefecture)
Hiromasa Shirai (Asia University)

In this reconstruction plan for the stadium next to Hikone Castle, we aimed to create universality to continue the same timeline as the town itself, centered around the castle—protected for over 400 years.
The primitive wooden frame is reminiscent of the Hyakken Bridge that once stood here. COR-TEN steel exterior walls are installed within the frame as cladding. Routes around the building create a 3D park space that serves as a hub for various facilities. Relationships will be created, and the stadium will be completed with the passage of time.