
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Hofu City Public Hall


南正面外観 まちのシンボルの塔を保存継承

写真:針金 洋介

飛永 直樹、花本 猛(佐藤総合計画)


Naoki Tobinaga, Takeshi Hanamoto (AXS SATOW)

Sixty years from completion, Hofu city public hall is still used today by city residents for performances and ceremonies and maintains the superior acoustic performance needed for public halls. However, it was incompatible with current laws, including a lack of seismic reinforcement for its specified ceilings. For this reason, instead of simply renovating temporarily, prolonging the life of the building, or increasing its sustainable functions, a universal environment was realized so that anyone could comfortably use the hall and new acoustic performance was added resembling a new music hall.