
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


WOWK Shibakoen



写真:田中 克昌

柿木 佑介、廣岡 周平(PERSIMMON HILLS architects)


Yusuke Kakinoki, Shuhei Hirooka (PERSIMMON HILLS architects)

A plan for a small pencil building for office use. An evacuation staircase is wrapped around a simple ramen frame offset from the site border line, and changing the landing position and entrance position on each floor, and attaching building volume to the margins. Although it is narrow, it creates a variety of floor plans that are not standard floors. The exterior looks like a stack of small buildings, creating a floating and uneven feeling. In response to the scale of Tokyo behind the main streets, a new landscape is created from the workplace.