
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品

上越市雪中貯蔵施設 ユキノハコ

Yukinohako Snow Storage



写真:Soichiro Suizu

海法 圭(海法圭建築設計事務所)


Kei Kaihoh (Kei Kaihoh Architects)

Wooden snow house in Yasuzuka, Joetsu City, Niigata. While RC construction is the norm, this low-cost wooden structure was used. A corridor was built around the perimeter and a double skin was used to reduce the heat load. Long columns are divided by auxiliary beams, and the span and ceiling height are secured using conventional construction methods. The outer skin also serves as a snow enclosure in winter. We aimed to create a place where farmers can take pride in their farming activities while taking advantage of the snow.