
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品

鳥飼八幡宮 式年遷宮

Torikai Hachimangu Shikinen Sengu



写真:井上 登

二宮 隆史、二宮 清佳(二宮設計)


Takashi Ninomiya, Sayaka Ninomiya (NINOMIYA SEKKEI)

Torikai Hachimangu is a venerable shrine with a history of nearly 1800 years. The project was the rebuilding of the main sanctuary and the hall of worship, and the construction of a new temporary shrine. The main shrine was built in Shinmei style. The worship hall is a primitive place of prayer made of stones and thatched walls. The temporary shrine was a simple wooden structure. It will continue to be used as a permanent hall thereafter. Shintoism has the idea of eternity and everlasting youth. In the future, the shrine will be rethatched with new grasses to keep it in a fresh state. At the same time, the universal megalith symbolizes its permanence.