
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品

3GeV高輝度放射光施設 NanoTerasu(ナノテラス)

3GeV synchrotron radiation facility NanoTerasu



写真:石島 邦彦

都丸 聡士、中村 伸也、樫本 信隆、田中 智嗣、平井 健太(日建設計)


Satoshi Tomaru, Shinya Nakamura, Nobutaka Kashimoto, Satoshi Tanaka, Kenta Hirai (NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD)

A synchrotron radiation facility uses synchrotron-derived radiation light one billion times brighter than the sun to create a “nano environment”. It is expected to be used in a wide range of research and industrial applications. The building’s unique shape is due to the accelerator device that generates the radiation, and its transparent structure reflects its use as a gigantic experimental apparatus. Decorative elements were reduced to emphasize the clarity of the facility’s use. The overall design is intended as a symbol of new value creation.