
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品


Agency for Cultural Affairs Kyoto Government Building and New Kyoto Prefectural Government Building


新町通側立面 新旧2棟をのぞむ

写真:小川 重雄

近宮 健一、古賀 大、東野 晋二、内藤 浩司、伊代田 卓身、藤田 賢人(日本設計)
岸 和郎(Waro Kishi + K.ASSOCIATES/Architects)
田原 幸夫(Heritage Design Associates)


Kenichi Chikamiya, Dai Koga, Shinji Higashino, Kouji Naito, Takumi Iyoda, Kento Fujita (NIHON SEKKEI, INC.)
Waro Kishi (Waro Kishi + K.ASSOCIATES/Architects)
Yukio Tahara (Heritage Design Associates)

This project involves relocating a government agency to Kyoto. The former Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters main building, built in 1928, was preserved and revitalized, and a new Kyoto Prefectural Administrative Office Building was added to the north. The extension aims to enhance office functions and overall facility functionality. While respecting the historical space, contemporary elements have been incorporated to coexist with and welcome changes of the upcoming new era. As a result, this architecture achieved harmonious blend of elements from various eras.