
JIA優秀建築選 2023


日本建築家協会優秀建築選 100作品

京都精華大学 明窓館

Kyoto Seika University Meiso-kan




宗本 晋作(宗本晋作建築設計事務所)


Shinsaku Munemoto
(Shinsaku Munemoto & ASSOCIATES,ARCHITECTS.)

The cluster of sloping-roof buildings on the Kyoto Seika University campus are scattered along a mountain stream and appear to be attached to the mountain. The expectation was to take advantage of this nature-rich environment to create a central facility that advocates “a university of expression. We designed an architecture that would face Amagaike Pond, surrounded by an existing mortar-shaped plaza, and would represent a place for independent student activities and the dissemination of information. In this way, we attempted to change the previous image of the whole campus by responding to the environmental context of only one architecture.