
JIA優秀建築選 2023




Takatsuki Arts Theatre



写真:伊藤 彰(Akira Ito [aifoto])

江副 敏史、多喜 茂、高畑 貴良志、差尾 孝裕(日建設計)


Satoshi Ezoe, Shigeru Taki, Kiyoshi Takahata, Takahiro Sashio (NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD)

To create an accessible, open, public space, we designed a “theater integrated with the park” with the key concept of “a playground with a circulation system.” Three halls of different sizes and functions, and ten studios—each with its own gap in the porous arrangement—create an open space full of light and greenery where visitors can freely enter and leave the facilities as if they were strolling in the park. The interior and exterior are covered with wooden louvers made in Osaka Prefecture, inspired by the image of blending in with the surrounding grove of trees.